About Company

About Money Lancer

We are a group of seasoned and devoted professionals. At our company, we recognize that each client’s financial situation is distinct, which is why we treat each one of them on an individual basis. Our team of professionals collaborates closely with customers to develop a tailored investment goal that takes into consideration each person’s needs, priorities, and level of risk tolerance, as a result of which the returns are maximized.

Money Lancer, formerly known as Sarthak Investments, was established in 1999 with the objective of raising financial literacy and assisting clients in achieving financial goals by providing them with appropriate resources and direction.

We have established lasting relationships with our clients based on trust, transparency, and the quality services we have been providing for over two decades while also producing success stories for clients across a wide range of industries.

Assets Under Management
0 Cr.
Happy Families
0 +
Happy Clients
0 %

Recognised By

Association of Mutual Funds in India

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India

Money Lancer understands how important your financial future is. We are committed to providing outstanding financial services. Every client deserves personalized, comprehensive, and trustworthy advice, which led to formation of our company.

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